The 29th International Conference of Cardiology: The latest in medical research and state-of-the-art technology

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Along the 6 halls of the conference, activities ranged between research papers, latest diagnostic and therapeutic studies.

Modern cardiology fields involved Hi-tech interventions as PTCA, balloon dilatation, Transcatheteric closure devices (Amplatzer) and even aortic coarctation inner coats and stents.

From Cairo University a group of researchers studied a comparison between medical treatment and intervention by coronary stenting and the diagnostic role of recanalization of the vessels. It stressed the importance of imaging using single photorue in automatic computerized Tomography and its role in evaluation of coronary flow and the extent of myscardial injury.

In the Pediatric Department (Alexandria University), Prof. Tarek El Weliely studied the blood platelets in cases of conjevital heart diseases.

Also Dr. Amr Zaki, Cardiology Department (Alexandria University), explained in his research that direct coronary Stenting without Dilatatin is an easy and safe intervention after follow up of 328 patients. This maneuver will lower the coast and the in-patient period plus the use of dye for imaging. The same principle was emphasized in a joint study between Mansoura and Ain Shams University.

Dr. Dalia Ragab, Cairo University, explained that Duplex study can replace angiography as a simple, safe, reliable and non-vascular disease. It can be used to segregate patient who will need invasive therapeutic strategies from those in whom conservative management is indicated.

Dr. Niren Okasaha discussed acute PTCA in diabetic patients with acute myocardial infraction, as 5 years follow up.

Dr. Ossama El Refai from Ain-Shams University proposed a novel echo score for prediction of outcome after balloon mitral valvutomy.

One of the studies traced the usefulness of adenosine Thalium-201 scintigraphy in detection of anterior descending coronary artery stenosis in patients with left bundle branch block.

On a study from Baghdad University (Iraq), cardiologists printed out the feasibility of stenting the left main coronary and explained the usefulness of that over the bypass surgery. The study was done during the period from 1999-2001 in the Iraqi center of cardiology.
